Relax Your Body And Mind

Meditation & Mindfulness

Relax Your Body And Mind - Guided Meditation

Take a deep breath in with your nose, filling your lungs fully with air. Hold it in for a few seconds and then slowly exhale through your mouth, gradually releasing the air as if you were blowing through a small straw.
Do you feel more relaxed?

Controlled breathing exercises are an effective way to relax. Being relaxed can help ease stress, as well as reduce anxiety, depression and sleep problems.

Your mind and body are not two separate entities, but are intimately intertwined.
To relax simply means to calm your body & mind. 
Relaxing can help quiet your thoughts and make you feel peaceful & calm. Your body also undergoes physiological changes when you relax. For instance, your muscles may feel less tight and more flexible.

Follow along with the guided meditation audio below to relax your body & mind and help you get through stressful times.

Relax Your Body & Mind With This Guided Meditation

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